Sustainability Report 2016
Communication Channels
Key Concerns
and Expectations in 2016
Our Actions in Relation
to Key Concerns
Professional Bodies and Regulators
Joint Utilities Safety and Occupational
Health Policy Group
Joint Utilities Policy Group
Business Environment Council
China Gas Association
Gas Authority
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Polyethylene (PE) piping coalitions
and the International Organisation
for Standardisation (ISO) Technical
Committees on PE pipes and fittings
Towngas should consider
increasing its level of
disclosure on its mainland
operations and supply chain
management practices
Due to the diverse and evolving
nature of our businesses in
mainland China, determining
the scope of reporting beyond
Hong Kong is difficult. Despite
this challenge, we have enhanced
the reporting scope and level of
disclosure in this report
Newsletters and leaflets
Bimonthly bill inserts – “Newsflash”
Company websites, social media
platforms and mobile phone networks
and our app
Regular maintenance visits, safety
inspections and safety talks
24 annual visits to residential customers
by customer focus teams
Monthly surveys and focus group
research into specific programmes
Year-round publicity and community
Management offices/incorporated
owners’ associations
24-hour customer service hotline
19 customer centres
24-hour emergency hotline
Reporting channels for possible
improprieties, misconduct, malpractice
or irregularities
Towngas could further
promote new technology
and products that meet the
growing need for green and
safe products
We help our customers to save
costs and contribute to a cleaner
environment by offering a wide
range of eco-friendly products. To
meet the needs of our residential
customers we launch at least one
energy efficient appliance every
We encourage groups and trade
associations to visit our Green
Annual General Meetings
Investors and Securities Analysts
Briefings post annual and interim results
Interim and annual reports
Sustainability reports
Company website
Newsflash via email and posting on the
Company’s website
Non-deal roadshows
Investment conferences
Investor meetings
Telephone conference with investors,
securities analysts and credit rating
Annual review with credit rating agencies
Impact of depressed oil and
commodity prices on our
new energy business
Impact of slower
economic growth and the
manufacturing sector on
the city-gas business in
mainland China
The strategy for our new energy
business has been realigned so as
not to focus on resource-related
projects. We will focus on in-house
technology development for the
production of clean energy and
chemicals from waste or low-value
feedstock and swing away from
crude-oil-sensitive products
To push our own initiatives to
drive gas consumption: coal-
to-gas conversion, restaurant
customers acquisition, promote
gas clothes dryers and space-
heating applications for increased
household consumption, promote
distributed energy centre projects