Sustainability Report 2016
Achievements and Targets
We have clear objectives in place to address environmental, social and safety issues at our Hong Kong
operations. Each year, we review them alongside our achievements. In 2016, Towngas met all targets set
for the year. The details can be found below:
Achievements in 2016
Targets for 2017
Medium-term Targets
(Two to Three Years)
Green Certification
Achieved a Wastewi$e
Certificate for the 15th
consecutive cycle
Recognised as “Finalist” at the
Green Building Award 2016
To achieve a Wastewi$e
Certificate for the 16th
consecutive cycle
To explore and apply for other
global and local environmental
certifications and awards
To prepare gap analysis of
Building Environmental
Assessment Method (BEAM)
Plus new version and Towngas
Gas Production Plant Modifications
Completed materials
procurement of the second
rainwater collection
system. The system will be
substantially completed in the
first quarter in 2017
To recirculate water used for
warming ammonia drums and
transfer blow-down water from
air compressor station cooling
towers to the make-up water
for the Phase 2 cooling tower.
These projects aim to save
1,500 m
of water per year
To convert the Phase 1
ions-exchange type water
treatment plant to a Reverse
Osmosis plant in order to
reduce effluent generation and
chemical usage
Waste Management
Completed a study on the
carbon footprint of different
hand-drying methods
To replace existing hand dryers
with more energy efficient
models to reduce paper towel
usage and save energy
To implement measures to
enhance waste reduction and
recycling at headquarters
Climate Change Adaption
Reviewed the findings from
the climate change risk
assessment and implemented
adaption measures
To extend the climate change
risk assessment to our
operations in mainland China
and to conduct workshops
about climate change for our
projects in different regions
To monitor continuously the
progress of the adaptation
measures across different