Sustainability Report 2016
We take pride in carrying out our operations with
integrity. Our internal code of conduct offers clear
guidelines on best practice and ethical behaviour
if required to deal with prevention of bribery
and corruption, equal opportunities issues, fair
practices, freedom of association, conflicts of
interest and whistleblowing.
We are particularly vigilant about misconduct
cases which relate to bribery and conflicts of
The Group’s whistleblowing policy aims to
provide formal channels for employees and
other stakeholders to raise concerns about
any misconduct, malpractice or irregularity,
particularly in relation to violations of our code
of conduct or business ethics and principles. The
policy is available at our
Code of Conduct
Whistleblowing and Anti-Corruption
Prevention of Bribery
interest. We have clear guidance to our people
that they must never request any advantage
from, or offer any advantage to, stakeholders
in our business, including customers,
suppliers, contractors, authorities or any other
We expect our people to fully adhere to the
principles set out in the Code of Conduct. For
more information, please refer to our
All whistleblowing cases would be handled by the
whistleblowing panel while staff grievances would
be managed by Corporate Human Resources
Department. A summary of whistleblowing cases
would be reported to the Board Audit and Risk
Committee twice a year.
We maintain that the key to preserving our
competitive advantage in the market is for laws,
honesty and fair competition to be championed. In
this respect, all employees are strictly forbidden
from giving or accepting bribes. Our people
must never ask for an advantage from, or offer
an advantage to, our stakeholders, including
customers, suppliers, contractors, regulators and
legislators, authorities or other business partners.
Without prior approval from a supervisor or the
company itself, no individual is permitted to
offer an advantage that could influence these
Provided 200 hours of anti-corruption training for our employees in 2016
stakeholders. Similarly, we also forbid all our
employees from giving or accepting illegal
advantages to or from their co-workers, and
everyone should observe all relevant laws and
regulations with the utmost vigilance.
To ensure this message is clear, we provide
training for our employees on anti-corruption and
maintaining our code of conduct. According to the
Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the
laws of Hong Kong), Towngas is a public body and
all our employees are subject to this Ordinance.