GRI And ESG Guide Content Index 99
GRI G4 Description
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
AR – Towngas Annual Report 2016;
Effluents and Waste
G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management
SR: Environmental Performance (P.40)
G4-EN22 Total water discharge by quality and
SR: Key Statistics (P.86, 89)
G4-EN23 Total weight of waste by type and
disposal method
SR: Key Statistics (P.86, 89)
Waste ManagementG4-EN24 Total number and volume of
significant spills
No significant spill was recorded.
G4-EN25 Weight of transported, imported,
exported, or treated waste deemed
hazardous under the terms of the
Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and
VIII, and percentage of transported
waste shipped internationally
G4-EN26 Identity, size, protected status, and
biodiversity value of water bodies and
related habitats significantly affected
by the reporting organisation's
discharges of water and runoff
No water bodies are significantly affected
by our Hong Kong operation.
G4-OG5 Volume and disposal of formation or
produced water
In 2016, our Hong Kong operation does
not involve formation or produced water,
which is a byproduct that commonly
brought to the surface during the
production of hydrocarbons.
G4-OG7 Amount of drilling waste (drill mud
and cuttings) and strategies for
treatment and disposal
In 2016, our Hong Kong operation does
not involve drilling waste.