GRI And ESG Guide Content Index 101
GRI G4 Description
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
AR – Towngas Annual Report 2016;
Occupational Health and Safety
G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management
SR: Safety Performance (P.53)
Health, Safety and Environmental ManagementG4-LA5 Percentage of total workforce
represented in formal joint
management-worker health and
safety committees that help monitor
and advise on occupational health
and safety programmes
SR: Sustainability at Towngas (P.26)
G4-LA6 Type of injury and rates of injury,
occupational diseases, lost days, and
absenteeism, and total number of
work-related fatalities, by region and
by gender
SR: Key Statistics (P.81, 89)
Training and Education
G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management
SR: Safety Performance (P.57);
Social Performance (P.70)
G4-LA9 Average hours of training per year
per employee by gender, and by
employee category
SR: Key Statistics (P.83)
G4-LA10 Programnes for skills management
and lifelong learning that support the
continued employability of employees
and assist them inmanaging career
SR: Social Performance (P.70)
G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving
regular performance and career
development reviews, by gender
SR: Key Statistics (P.83)