Sustainability Report 2016
GRI G4 Description
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
AR – Towngas Annual Report 2016;
Ethics and Integrity
G4-56 The organisation’s values, principles,
standards and norms of behavior
such as codes of conduct and codes
of ethics
SR: Our Company (P.22)
Code of ConductG4-57 Internal and external mechanisms
for seeking advice on ethical and
lawful behaviour, and matters related
to organisational integrity, such as
helplines or advice lines
SR: Our Company (P.22)
AR: Corporate Governance Report (P.73)
G4-58 The internal and external
mechanisms for reporting concerns
about unethical or unlawful behavior,
and matters related to organizational
SR: Our Company (P.22)
Code of ConductSpecific Standard Disclosures
Economic Performance
G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management
SR: Our Company (P.18)
AR: Chairman’s Statement (P.8)
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated
and distributed, including revenues,
operating costs, employee
compensation, donations and other
community investments, retained
earnings, and payments to capital
providers and governments
SR: Our Company (P.23)
AR: Report of the Directors (P.66)
G4-EC2 Financial implications and other
risks and opportunities for the
organisation's activities due to
climate change
SR: Environmental Performance (P.39)
AR: Risk Factors (P.60)
G4-EC3 Coverage of the organisation's
defined benefit plan obligations
Not Applicable.
G4-EC4 Significant financial assistance
received from government
No financial assistance from HKSAR
Government was received.