Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
Aspect A2: Use of Resources
Policies on the efficient use of
resources, including energy, water and
other raw materials.
SR: Environmental Performance (P.33)
KPI A2.1
Direct and/or indirect energy
consumption by type in total and
SR: Key Statistics (P.84, 89)
KPI A2.2
Water consumption in total and intensity. SR: Environmental Performance (P.45);
Key Statistics (P.84, 89)
KPI A2.3
Description of energy use efficiency
initiatives and results achieved.
SR: Environmental Performance (P.41, 45);
Key Statistics (P.85)
We acquired energy labels for all models
of domestic gas cooking appliances
covered by the Voluntary Energy Efficiency
Labelling scheme.
KPI A2.4
Description of whether there is any issue
in sourcing water that is fit for purpose,
water efficiency initiatives and results
SR: Environmental Performance (P.45)
There was no issue in sourcing water
that is fit for purpose in our Hong Kong
KPI A2.5
Total packaging material used for
finished products (in tonnes) and, if
applicable, with reference to per unit
SR: Key Statistics (P.84)
Aspect A3: The Environment and Natural Resources
Policies on minimising the issuer's
significant impact on the environment
and natural resources.
SR: Environmental Performance (P.37, 42)
KPI A3.1
Description of the significant impacts
of activities on the environment and
natural resources and the actions taken
to manage them.
SR: Environmental Performance (P.37, 44)
Environmental ProtectionGRI And ESG Guide Content Index 105