Sustainability Report 2016
Some of our companies have obtained the OHSAS
18001 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
standard certification. Furthermore, we developed
a set of OHS management system documents
specific to this certification. This is designed to
increase our JVs’ capacity to manage safety and
risk, as well as to align the standards set out in
the Group’s HSE management system, which
covers general OHS, fire control, operational
safety and emergency response procedures.
We have implemented the General Manager
Monthly Safety Inspection Programme across
our businesses. It ensures safe operations
across 12 areas, including customer safety,
fire safety, pipeline patrol and gas leakage
surveys, station safety and emergency response
and management, among others. Our Safety
Committee, led by senior management, also visits
project companies across the regions to make
annual safety inspections. Since 2006, we have
carried out a safety and risk management audit,
of which six rounds have been completed to date.
Mainland China
In addition, as the number of our Compressed
Natural Gas (CNG) and LNG refilling stations
continues to increase in mainland China, the
Company has, since 2013, rolled out a safety
audit. It assesses the safety performance of these
businesses with the overall aim of enhancing the
results for the future. In 2016, 11 ECO mainland
gas refilling stations were audited and all
achieved satisfactory results.
In 2016, we held several HSE workshops which
were attended by more than 450 people. They
shared experiences about safety and risk
management in Hong Kong and mainland China
and helped to strengthen the safety culture across
the business portfolio. In addition, we introduced
our WeChat HSE promotion platform, which
serves as a communication channel to promote
the latest HSE best practice, HSE knowledge,
incident alerts and various interactive campaigns.