Safety Performance 61
7.4 Emergency Preparedness
Throughout the year, we conducted regular drills to deal with critical situations across
our operations. We also reviewed the efficacy and practicality of our emergency plan to
enhance the way we handle a range of emergencies.
Table-top exercises and emergency drills are an integral part of our Total Safety
Management Approach. They are carried out regularly so we can respond effectively
and promptly to emergency situations. To ensure we have allocated sufficient
resources to deal with an emergency, we have adopted a three-tiered method:
In 2016, we worked with the Hong Kong Fire Services Department to hold fire safety
exercises at our gas production plants, LPG filling stations and headquarters to
prepare staff for any emergencies. Furthermore, we launched a corporate emergency
table-top exercise for our subsidiary, TGT, to enhance management’s ability to
handle emergencies, particularly data centre crises. This exercise, involving over 50
personnel, was conducted at the Towngas headquarters, Tseung Kwan O Data Centre
and Dongguan Data Centre 1. The hypothetical scenarios included a fatal industrial
accident at a work site, a data transmission problem due to a power outage and an
accidental gas release incident. Apart from helping senior management plans for
crises, the exercises also foster the coordination and cooperation between colleagues
to cope with real-life disasters.
Emergency Plan
Emergency Plan
Specific Emergency
Senior management
commands the deployment
of company resources,
seeks assistance from
government authorities and
handles the media
Plant managers and key
emergency personnel
outline general actions to
take during emergency
Frontline actions tackle
specific incidents
Emergency Drills and Corporate Emergency Table-top Exercise