Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
Aspect B3: Development and Training
Policies on improving employees'
knowledge and skills for discharging
duties at work. Description of training
SR: Safety Performance (P.57);
Social Performance (P.70)
KPI B3.1
The percentage of employees trained
by gender and employee category
(e.g. senior management, middle
SR: Social Performance (P.70);
Key Statistics (P.83)
KPI B3.2
The average training hours completed
per employee by gender and employee
SR: Social Performance (P.70);
Key Statistics (P.83)
Aspect B4: Labour Standards
Information on:
(a) the policies; and
(b) compliance with relevant laws and
regulations that have a significant
impact on the issuer
relating to preventing child and forced
SR: Our Company (P.22);
Social Performance (P.68)
KPI B4.1
Description of measures to review
employment practices to avoid child and
forced labour.
We fully complied with local laws and
regulations to avoid child and forced
labour in locations where we operate.
Our managers are entrusted to observe
and practise in full compliance with
matters related to these two areas.
Ongoing monitoring and regular auditing
are also in place.
KPI B4.2
Description of steps taken to eliminate
such practices when discovered.
There has not been any single record of
malpractice on child and forced labour
across our operating locations due to strict
compliance in these two areas.
GRI And ESG Guide Content Index 107