Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIs
Cross reference/Information
(SR – Towngas Sustainability Report 2016;
Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
Information on:
(a) the policies; and
(b) compliance with relevant laws and
regulations that have a significant
impact on the issuer
relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and
money laundering.
SR: Our Company (P.22)
KPI B7.1
Number of concluded legal cases
regarding corrupt practices brought
against the issuer or its employees
during the reporting period and the
outcomes of the cases.
In 2016, there were no concluded legal
cases regarding corrupt practices.
KPI B7.2
Description of preventive measures and
whistle-blowing procedures, how they
are implemented and monitored.
SR: Our Company (P.22)
Corporate GovernanceCommunity
Aspect B8: Community Investment
Policies on community engagement
to understand the needs of the
communities where the issuer operates
and to ensure its activities take into
consideration the communities'
SR: Social Performance (P.76)
Community CareKPI B8.1
Focus areas of contribution
(e.g. education, environmental concerns,
labour needs, health, culture, sport).
SR: Social Performance (P.76)
KPI B8.2
Resources contributed (e.g. money or
time) to the focus area.
SR: Social Performance (P.76);
Key Statistics (P.88, 91)
GRI And ESG Guide Content Index 109