Appendices 113
Charters and Initiatives
Issuing Bodies
Corporate Governance
Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622 of the laws of Hong Kong The Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
Securities and Futures Ordinance, Chapter 571 of the laws of
Hong Kong
Corporate Governance Code, Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Carbon Footprint Repository for Listed Company in Hong Kong Environment Bureau
Carbon Reduction Charter: Carbon Audit • Green Partners
Energy Saving Charter
Environment Bureau and Electrical
and Mechanical Services Department
Hong Kong Green Organisation
Environmental Campaign Committee
IAQwi$e Certificate
Wastewi$e Certificate
“Let’s save 10L Water” Campaign
Water Supplies Department
CarbonCare® ESG label
Carbon Care Asia
Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter
Green Council
Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership
The University of Hong Kong
Innovation Partner of CarbonCare Open Innovation Lab
CarbonCare InnoLab
Green Office Label (GOALS)
World Green Organisation
“Order Less Waste Less, More Blessings” Light Banquets
Friends of the Earth (HK)
COOL Corporate Membership Scheme
Green Bottle Charter
The Green Earth
Safety Charter
Occupational Safety and Health
Charter on Preferential Appointment of OSH Star Enterprise
Joyful@Healthy Workplace Charter
Social Responsibility
Barrier-free Company
The Hong Kong Council of Social
Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme
Family Council
Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations
Recognition Scheme
Labour and Welfare Bureau
Appendix III: External Environmental, Social and Governance Charters and
Initiatives followed by Towngas