Verification Statement 115
HKQAA was not involved in collecting and calculating data, or in the
development of the Report. HKQAA’s activities are independent from
Towngas. There is no relationship between Towngas and HKQAA beyond
the contractual agreement for providing the verification service.
HKQAA confirms that the Report has been prepared in accordance with
the Core Option of the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the Oil
and Gas Sector Disclosures and the ESG Guide.
The information presented in the Report fulfills the principles for defining
report contents with respect to stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability
context, materiality and completeness as well as the principles of report
quality in terms of accuracy, timeliness, comparability, clarity, reliability
and balance. The Report provides a truthful representation of Towngas
sustainability performance in 2016 covering its operations within
and outside Hong Kong. Towngas maintains a systematic materiality
assessment and stakeholder engagement process to identify the most
relevant and significant sustainability aspects for compiling the Report.
In conclusion, Towngas actively embraces its commitments to
communicate transparently with stakeholders. Through the disclosure of
this Report, Towngas responds timely to the needs and expectation of its
Signed on behalf of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
Connie Sham
Head of Audit
March 2017