Sustainability Report 2016
Achievements in 2016
Targets for 2017
Medium-term Targets
(Two to Three Years)
Safety and Health Training and Promotion
Held the highly successful 2016 HSE Month and
Stay Healthy promotion programme to enhance
occupational safety and health, fire safety and
environmental protection awareness for colleagues
and contractors
Organised a number of process safety training
courses for ECO mainland employees
Organised several HSE workshops to enhance
mainland employees’ safety awareness further,
attracting 450 attendees
Worked with the Hong Kong Fire Services
Department to deliver a five-day practical
firefighting training course for 21 safety and
risk management staff, predominantly from our
mainland joint ventures
To organise quarterly
occupational health
and safety promotional
activities to enhance
safety awareness
To develop key
performance indicators
for occupational health
and safety
Safety Audit
Conducted safety audits at 11 ECO mainland gas
refilling stations, yielding satisfactory results
Conducted the third scored ECO mainland
chemical plant safety audit, which gave good
Established process safety KPIs for ECO mainland
chemical plants. KPI monitoring made good
To conduct safety
inspections at no less
than 20 ECO mainland
gas refilling stations
To review the safety
audit scheme for ECO
mainland chemical
plants and launch a
post-audit enhancement
To promote further
safety awareness and
culture among mainland
employees through
education, training and
experience-sharing visits
To enhance our ECO
mainland chemical plants’
safety performance
by implementing an
effective process safety
management system and
monitoring process safety
Safety Procedures and Guidelines
Carried out the Corporate Emergency Table-
top Exercise for TGT to improve our response to
To conduct internal
safety audits for TGT and
improve performance
To study the transfer
from OHSAS 18001 to ISO
45001 standard
For all managerial staff in
our mainland companies’
risk management
departments to earn
the Safety Engineer
Our objectives address environmental, social and safety issues, and are reviewed every year. In 2016,
we achieved all our safety-related objectives and set new targets.
Achievements and Targets