Environmental Performance 47
Approximately 90% of energy is used for buildings in Hong Kong, so we continue to
review our building performance to contribute to the government’s energy saving target.
Our headquarters contribute a relatively small amount to our overall carbon footprint.
Nevertheless, it is important to “green” our offices to reduce energy consumption,
conserve resources and promote a green company culture.
6.3 Greening our Headquarters
Case study
Our headquarters in North Point, Hong Kong,
became the first non-residential building in the
city to be awarded the Final Platinum rating under
the BEAM Plus Existing Building Version 1.2 for
our green upgrading. The achievement was in
recognition of how we integrated green management
– including electricity conservation, preservation of
water resources, improvement of indoor air quality
and waste management – to enhance our work
environment in the 23-year-old building. There were
several challenges to overcome, including adapting to the limitations of the original structure,
which offered limited flexibility for incorporating green facilities. The project was a resounding
success, and a certificate presentation ceremony officiated by Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for
the Environment, was held on 9 August 2016 to acknowledge our efforts.
BEAM Plus Certificate Presentation Ceremony
Replaced fluorescent lighting in lift
lobbies, pantries and warehouses with
LED lights
Replaced the existing chilled water pipe
raiser insulation and adjusted chilled
water temperature to enhance chiller
plant performance to reduce energy
Installed a rainwater harvesting tank and
a condensate water collection tank for
cleaning purposes
Launched a rooftop organic farm to give
staff the opportunity to learn about growing
vegetables and to help reduce the heat
island effect on the roof
Conducted green office audits every two
months via our green ambassadors
Collected and sorted around 18 types of
material either for recycling or reuse in
our business operations
Conducted a recycling trial for converting
used loose tea leaves into hand-made
Major green measures adopted at Towngas headquarters:
Energy Conservation
Water Conservation
Staff Education and Involvement
Waste Management