Environmental Performance 49
With the prospect of climate change, more people
are rediscovering walking as a natural form of
green mobility. In light of this, we supported the
World Green Organisation’s Walk campaign to
encourage Hongkongers to walk more. We helped
spread the message about the health benefits of
walking, as well as how it contributes to lowering
carbon emissions. The campaign had an added
benefit: on foot, people could appreciate Hong
Kong’s stunning architectural heritage.
This year, we were honoured to garner recognition
for our efforts to improve the environment,
including at the prestigious BOCHK Corporate
Environmental Leadership Awards, at which
we received a Gold Award in the Manufacturing
Sector category. Taking this opportunity, we
shared best-practice knowledge with others
for demonstrating excellent environmental
leadership. In 2016, we welcomed over 300 guests
from corporations, associations, green groups
and other key stakeholders to our headquarters.
Experience-sharing with Others
Low Carbon Creative SHOW
Green Walk Campaign
Our Low Carbon Creative “SHOW” campaign is
designed to promote creativity and showcase
interesting environmental protection. This year,
more than 50 activities took place, such as tree
planting, low carbon travel, earth hour, etc. More
than 30 companies invited employees, their family
members, customers and the general public to
take part.