About this Report 13
•Compiled a list of issues that could potentially be considered as material
aspects, with reference to international standards
•Identified key stakeholder groups in agreement with an independent consultant
•Designed a stakeholder engagement programme
•Engaged six key internal and external stakeholder groups
•Stakeholders’ feedback on our sustainability performance was collected via a
series of interviews and focus group discussions
•Stakeholders expressed their views on topics of reporting importance to
Towngas through a prioritisation exercise
•The data from stakeholders was compiled and analysed against discourse
practices of key peers based locally and overseas for benchmarking purposes,
so as to determine the most relevant material issues to Towngas
•Identified the material aspects and their corresponding boundaries for final
review and endorsement by senior management
3.2 Materiality Assessment
The data and content of the report was decided
after a materiality assessment had been
conducted in collaboration with an independent
consultant. This was to ensure that only
topics relevant to stakeholders were included,
and to guarantee that the report focuses on
sustainability issues pertinent to our operations
– specifically the economic, environmental and
social impacts of these operations – as well as to
identify a future strategic direction for realising
our vision for greater sustainability.
The independent consultant engaged with
internal and external stakeholders via a series
of interviews, focus group discussions and
prioritisation exercises. During these sessions,
stakeholders were asked to rate the importance
of sustainability aspects, covering a wide range
of topics pertinent to sustainability reporting.
Subsequently, the feedback was collected and
evaluated against how our peer companies report
about their own issues in order to establish what
the material aspects for the report should be.
The Process