Partnerships with our stakeholders are essential for sustainability. To this end, we not only encourage two-way communications, cooperation and experience sharing, we welcome feedback, working in concert with our stakeholders to turn relevant contributions into sustainable practices.
This open dialogue improves understanding between ourselves, our stakeholders and the communities we serve, establishing a sense of trust and mutual respect in our relationships. At the same time, with an understanding of their expectations, we are able to align their aspirations with our goals, formulating policies crucial to our future sustainability and success. We therefore maintain a number of different communication channels with employees, customers, business partners, the authorities and shareholders to understand their needs, expectations and concerns, with regard to our services, products, our contribution to the community as well as our care for the environment.
Engaging our employees in this process, we operate a number of suggestion schemes and recognition awards to encourage employee proposals and initiatives. Under our Superior Quality Service programmes, for example, 3,869 employees from both Hong Kong and the mainland worked together to create 366 improvement projects in 2007.
We also work closely with our business partners, and our suppliers and contractors in particular, to develop codes of practice and standard procedures. We also conduct training and operate seminars and briefings to share our experiences and foster practices in line with our requirements.
Reaching out, we regularly conduct surveys and focus groups and our Customer Focus Team makes 24 visits to customers every year to collect their views and feedback. Taking a proactive role in meeting community representatives and the various authorities to gain their views on the Company, a number of managers formed a District Council Focus Team. In addition to promoting openness and understanding, the Focus Team are able to gain a greater awareness of both customer and community needs. During the year, we also hosted some 200 visits to our facilities and plants in Hong Kong for students, business corporations, professional groups as well as government officials both from Hong Kong and the mainland, fostering a better understanding of our businesses while also demonstrating our international standards of operation.