Social Performance 73
Hong Kong
We seek to offer caring, competent and
convenient services to our customers. This is
embodied by our total solution service, which
comprises a 24-hour customer service hotline
and a one-working-day pledge for installation and
maintenance work.
While we endeavour to maintain internationally
recognised best-practice in customer service,
the Chinese virtue of courtesy also plays a large
role in our principles. Traditionally, there are
three elements to the courtesy virtue: etiquette,
politeness and the will to care. With this in mind,
we ran a specially designed programme in 2016
which focused on staff behaviour and providing
service from the heart. Since its introduction, 79
sessions have been conducted with more than
1,400 attendees. It has been of great benefit to
frontline staff, as well as to contractors from
our customer service, marketing and sales, and
restaurant business units.
Honing Our Customer Service
8.3 Our Customers
“Customers Focus” is an innate philosophy at Towngas. Across Hong Kong and mainland
China, we manage more than 23 million customer accounts, including businesses and
residential households. The experience we give our customers is key to our success
as a service provider and how we uphold our corporate responsibility pledges. We are
committed to providing customers with a caring, competent and efficient service that
exceeds their expectations, as is stated in our mission.
Ran 79 new staff courtesy programme
sessions in Hong Kong with 1,400
Engaged more than 40,000 employees
through our Etiquette, Politeness,
Caring Programme
A further measure is to have clear lines of
communication with our customers, and respond
to their comments and queries. To gauge our
effectiveness, an external research consultancy
conducts monthly customer satisfaction
surveys. In support of this, our Customer Focus
Team, which comprises staff from frontline
departments, arranges bimonthly visits to local
residential areas to gather first-hand feedback
and pass on safety and green messages. We also
have a number of targets for excellence in service
reliability, safety, accessibility, convenience,
quality and customer enquiry handling. These
fall under the
Towngas Service Pledge ,which has
been placed since 1994. In 2016, there was no
substantial legal recourse regarding customer