Sustainability Report 2016
8.4 Our Community
Towngas is committed to good corporate
citizenship and carrying out our operations
responsibly so we benefit our local communities
and society at large. We support a number of non-
governmental organisations’ public programmes
with donations and financial sponsorship,
Throughout 2016, 830 people joined the Towngas Volunteer Service Team to undertake
community service activities in the city. This team was established in 1999 and, to date,
a total of 697,594 volunteering hours have been logged.
Towngas employees are so kind and giving! Every Saturday, their
volunteer team comes to our organic farm in Fanling, tends to the
fields and hand-delivers the produce to charity organisations.
– Amber Lee,
Development Offer, Produce Green Foundation
Hong Kong
Donated cooking appliances to
individuals and families in need
Distributed around 640 kg of
vegetables to 2,093 beneficiaries
Donated HK$100,000 to SAHK via
sports initiatives
Raised more than HK$330,000
through our annual fundraising event
with Mad Dog Café
Delivered out 330,000 rice dumplings
and 100,000 mooncakes
Distributed 49,430 soup servings
Games of Friendship
Held on 10 December at Ma On Shan Sports Complex, this sports
event was co-organised with Spastics Association of Hong Kong
(SAHK) with the aim of advocating greater social integration
and understanding about disabled people. With the support of
over 60 Towngas volunteers, approximately 500 SAHK service
users took part in this heart-warming event, overcoming their
physical disabilities and demonstrating a true passion for sport.
Furthermore, the Towngas charity foundation donated HK$100,000
to SAHK to purchase sports equipment for their service users.
investing our resources in areas pertaining to
CSR which reflect our top five business attributes:
“Community”, “Quality”, “Safety”, “Service” and
“Environmental Protection”. In 2016, our CSR
events focused on social integration, diversity and
inclusion and achieved a great success.