Sustainability Report 2016
Innovating to New Levels
of Excellence
Securing a Greener Future for All
In 2016, we invested in new technology to
galvanise the reliability, efficiency and quality of
our products and services. This enhanced our
operations across a range of scenarios, including
during field inspections, while checking external
service risers for early symptoms of gas leaks,
and when rectifying defects. A notable example is
the Smart Riser Jacket, a new device that stops
gas leaks on risers instantly and prevents further
pipe erosion.
We also extended our Total Quality Management
message to boost levels of safety, work and
service quality across our teams. The Towngas
MasterCraft campaign was launched to
encourage frontline staff to strive for quality and
excellence, and focus on the aesthetic elements
of the Group’s culture using a variety of means
and channels.
Towngas is proud to play a leading role in
protecting the environment through sharing
our knowledge and experience. This approach
benefits the community and the environment.
In Hong Kong, we continued to mitigate
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Natural gas,
a far cleaner fuel, now comprises 60% of our fuel
mix. In 2016, we reached another milestone by
completing the construction of our third landfill
gas treatment plant located at the South East
New Territories (SENT) landfill site. Utilising
Safety is of our paramount concern. We endeavor
to improve reliability and safety at our operations.
In 2016, the uninterrupted gas supply was upheld
more than 99.99% and our emergency teams
achieved the average set arrival time of 25
minutes in Hong Kong. The Group’s total town gas
customers in Hong Kong reached 1.86 million,
while city-gas customers in mainland China
exceeded 23 million. The serious gas-related
accidents in our mainland operations have fallen
by 18% over the last five years.
the gas generated from the waste buried at the
site, we expect this project to reduce our carbon
emissions by 56,000 tonnes a year, which is the
equivalent of planting 2.4 million tree seedlings,
and saves us from using the equivalent amount in
fossil fuel.
The Chinese government has committed to
reducing its carbon intensity by 60% to 65% from
its 2005 level by the year 2030, while capping the
absolute amount. To achieve this, it encourages
converting biomass into clean energy and
chemical products, as well as using cleaner fuels,
among other policies. Towngas has embraced this
by constructing a plant at Suzhou Industrial Park
under our brand Hua Yan Water which, each day,
will convert 500 tonnes of food waste, green waste
and landfill leachate into natural gas, oil products,
solid fuel and fertiliser, turning waste into high-
value products.
Ensuring Safe and
Reliable Operation