Manager Director’s Message 5
Sustainability Characterised
by Quality and Innovation
In 2016, there were significant changes to the
regional and global energy landscapes. It was
a year of political and economic uncertainty,
affecting industries across the world. Export-
oriented production was adversely affected, and a
slowdown in mainland China’s industrial activities
continued throughout the year.
Public concern about climate change and cleaner
energy sources has never been stronger. To
cope with this over the long term, the Chinese
government has formulated an aggressive natural
gas utilisation policy which will strengthen
measures to reduce air pollution and minimise
smog. This step represents a trend towards using
more natural gas and environmentally-friendly
energy, which will favour the Group’s businesses.
Towngas has made multifaceted efforts to
transform these challenges into opportunities
for strategic growth. We continued our
metamorphosis into an eco-friendly energy
supplier of Asia. Our strategy for 2016 was
twofold: diversification via new gas applications,
and extending our products and services while
shifting to less oil-price-sensitive chemical
products. Towngas will continue on this
course, and our top priority remains operating
the business responsibly – with respect for
people, their safety, our communities and the
In this report, we have highlighted our innovative
approach to sustainable development, including
details of our initiatives and performance for the
year. We continue to uphold our philosophy of
“Growth = Innovation x Implementation”, which
empowers our employees to contribute to the
ongoing growth and development of the Group,
while engaging stakeholders and cultivating a
sustained joint effort to create a better future
for all.