Sustainability Report 2011
Other Projects
During the year, a heat recovery system was installed to collect and recover waste heat
generated from our production processes. The heat is then used to help warm the hot
water boiler at our natural gas receiving station. Plans are also in hand to extend this
use – to provide hot water for showers for example. The recovery of this heat not only
reduces the energy needed to operate the systems in question, it also fosters a cooler
environment as less heat is discharged into the atmosphere.
As naphtha vapourises easily in the heat, a new chiller system was installed in 2010 to
cool the naphtha circulating within our operating systems. In 2011, the foam system
for the naphtha tanks was enhanced and plans are also in hand to lower temperatures
yet again, which will reduce vapourisation as well as the emission of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere even further.
Supporting our initiative to purchase more environmentally friendly vehicles, a
charging station for electric vehicles was installed for the use of these vehicles within
the company.
Environmental Performance Reducing Our Carbon Footprint & Conserving Resources